July 2015 Audience Award Winner

Thanks to everyone who attended last night, and congratulations to Lyndon Casey, whose Weekend Warriors won our Audience Award prize! (August 10 Update: The film is now online for anyone to see. Make sure you check it out!) Weekend Warriors – 19 votes Interesting Ball – 9 votes The Little Deputy – 7 votes Captain […]

April 2015 Audience Award Winner

Thanks to everyone who attended last night, and congratulations to Justin Tagg, whose Mouse-X won our Audience Award prize! Mouse-X – 9 votes De Honger (The Hunger) – 7 votes Memorable Moi (Remember Me) – 5 votes En Retour (In Return) – 4 votes Kneel Through The Dark – 1 vote Rehovot – 1 vote […]

January 2015 Audience Award Winner

Thanks to everyone who attended last night, and congratulations to Monia Chokri, whose Quelqu’un d’extraordinaire walked away with our Audience Award prize! Quelqu’un d’extraordinaire – 13 votes Day 40 – 9 votes This Is It – 6 votes Unicorn Blood – 4 votes The Champ – 4 votes Pop The Grapes – 4 votes (40 […]

July 2014 Audience Award Winner

Thanks to everyone who attended last night. Our Audience Award this time was extremely close, and in fact it’s the first time we’ve had a TIE! I am very happy to see that the local films topped the vote! The Runner – 7 votes Mean Teddies – 7 votes Never Stop Cycling – 6 votes […]

April 2014 Audience Award Winner

Thanks to everyone who attended our last screening. Our Audience Award this time was a bit of a landslide, proving that romance will always have a strong appeal, not to mention very innovative filmmaking techniques! Congratulations to Erik Schmitt and his team. Hopefully by the time the Canadian dollar is exchanged for Euros, you can […]

January 2014 Audience Award Winner

First of all, a big thanks to the 60+ who joined us at last night’s screening. What a great way to kick off our third season! And though it was a squeaker, how fitting that the film that took our Audience Award was the one whose director drove all the way from Montreal to take […]

October 2013 Audience Award Winner

Though our numbers were down significantly tonight, I’m glad to announce our third Audience Award winner. Nacho Vigalondo’s Oscar-nominated short film from 2004, 7:35 de la mañana swept the award with 7 of 23 votes cast. Of the 14 films in the lineup, it was a clear favourite. Here are the full results: 7:35 de […]

July 2013 Audience Award Winner

Apologies for the lateness of this announcement. I left for 10 days in New York the morning after our screening and am just getting caught up again now. We had a very close vote for our second Audience Award, but I’m pleased to announce that the winner was Aude Danset and Carlos De Carvalho’s beautiful […]

April 2013 Audience Award Winner

I’m very happy to announce that the winner of our very first Audience Award is Johannes’ Nyholm’s Las Palmas. It received 20 votes out of a total of 60 completed ballots. Audiences laughed throughout this tale of a middle-aged tourist at a bar in the Canary Islands. The main character is played by the director’s […]