July 2013 Audience Award Winner

Apologies for the lateness of this announcement. I left for 10 days in New York the morning after our screening and am just getting caught up again now. We had a very close vote for our second Audience Award, but I’m pleased to announce that the winner was Aude Danset and Carlos De Carvalho’s beautiful animated fable Premier Automne. It collected 17 votes of a total of 63 votes cast.
Still from Premier Automne
But here’s an idea of how close the vote was:

  1. Premier Automne – 17 votes
  2. The Delian Mode – 16 votes
  3. Your Place or Mine – 9 votes
  4. Irish Folk Furniture – 8 votes
  5. The Chair – 8 votes
  6. Father – 3 votes
  7. A Present for Robert – 2 votes

I’m also pleased that every film in the lineup got at least two votes, which hopefully means that I’m doing a good job of picking films that you like. In case you missed our screening, I’m happy to let you know that you can watch Premier Automne online for free.

I’ll be posting more information over the coming weeks about our amazing October 24th screening, as well as a screening of incredible dance film NY Export: Opus Jazz, for which we showed a trailer at the July screening. Lots happening!