Sundance 2020: Day 3

Festival Director James McNally is attending this year’s Sundance Film Festival from January 21st to February 2nd. Festival Day 1 Today started very early with a 6:00am alarm and out the door by 7:00am to get to HQ by 7:45am (that’s my view on the way to work in the photo above). I wanted to […]

Sundance 2020: Day 2

Festival Director James McNally is attending this year’s Sundance Film Festival from January 21st to February 2nd. T-1 day until festival begins Up at 6:30am this morning to make sure I could get into HQ before 9am. I wanted to make my traditional coffee stop at Starbucks. At the shuttle stop near Fresh Market, I […]

Sundance 2020: Day 1

Festival Director James McNally is attending this year’s Sundance Film Festival from January 21st to February 2nd. T-2 days until festival begins Despite having a very comfortable bed at the Hotel RL in Salt Lake City, I didn’t sleep all that well last night. Probably just the excitement. After I checked in about 8pm, I […]

Sundance 2020: Before I Go

Festival Director James McNally is attending this year’s Sundance Film Festival from January 21st to February 2nd. I’m incredibly excited to be returning to Park City for the fifth time in the past six years. My 2019 was much better than my 2018, with my health getting better all the time and my cataracts corrected […]