October 2017 Audience Award Winner

Thanks to everyone who attended on Thursday night. For the first time ever, we had a three-way tie for the Audience Award. Congratulations to Julien Lasseur (Last Call Lenny), Anushka Naanayakara (A Love Story), and Roman Gubin (Pollyanna).

  1. Last Call Lenny – 4 votes
  2. A Love Story – 4 votes
  3. Pollyanna – 4 votes
  4. Woman with an Editing Bench – 2 votes
  5. Urban Audio Spectrum – 2 votes
  6. Wishing Box – 1 vote
  7. Prelude – 1 vote

(18 votes total)

Our next screening will be a special one, to be held in January 2018. More news here, on Twitter, and on Facebook. Sign up for the newsletter and don’t miss a thing.